Full Version: "Hey Jude"
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Has to be one of the most grating songs ever fucking created.

Ex-Beatle or not that song is just awful.
too long
Might be the "na nas" but im fairly certain it's the song as a whole.
you're dead to me
Is that why you signed off?...or am i blocked now?
it's a Beatle song. Not "ex-Beatle", fool.

And it's about Julian Lennon by the by.
I thought he wrote it with Wings and i know it's about Julian Lennon.....but what does that have to do with the song sucking?
Don't make it bad.
you're a whore, go scope out your mouth skank... *block*

I only use Listerine.
i remember when silera thought american pie was about the vietnam war
I remember when my friend thought it was Hey Jew.
it was paul's way of acknowledging the holocaust
"Baby, You're a Rich Man" is about their manager Brian Epstein, and in the chorus when they say "baby, you're a rich man, too", John is actually singing "baby, you're a rich fag jew"
and if you play it backwards it says "turn me on jewbag"
when you play "love me do" backwards.

hey lets get rid of clarence and steal his good ideas!