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those are circus tits
I musta gone to different circus
GonzoStyle Wrote:get her a molding of your cock

I miss my "Golden Cock" status.
Statuses are coming back soon. Jack and goat are working on it.
yeah so shut the fuck up about them aready, OK?!?!?!?
TheGMANN Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:get her a molding of your cock

I miss my "Golden Cock" status.

eww, please don't

I miss your ponch status
goatweed's working on it right now.

Yell at him if it's not done within the hour.
stop it, you'll upset goat.
5 more minutes, guys!
play with fire and you get wet!
*gets ready to pull the plug*
He's drunk with power, see what you people did?
Your mom's box!
Your mom's cavernous stinky box!
play with shit and you're gonna have stinky hands!
My cock is a nice golden brown.

Again, I will have to go with "eeewwwww"
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