Full Version: CDIH Radio version 2.0!
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ugh, my fucking web host likes to go down for days at a time.
im up and running, click here for currently broadcasting CDIH stations.
top, now broadcasting
yeah, so, I'd like to figure out some better ways to do the shoutcast thing, because the internet connection I have at my current hideaway on Staten Island sucks ass.

also, if anyone can help me out with the podcast thingie ma chingy, post what you know here.
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ok, so, latest update on CDIH Radio...

I'm testing out the SpyAmp plug-in using port 1111 on my comp.

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you can view more detailed info on the current song, what my Winamp settings are, and, when logged in, can view my current playlist and download tracks from the list.

to log on, enter any username, and use the pw "colddayinhell".
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