Full Version: King Kong
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Pages: 1 2
assrash is quite good with the photoshops, too.
i'll be downloading it tonight. There is a good cam encode out on some torrent sites.
I'm downloading right now, its pretty fuckin big the file, better be good.
if it's the 2.36 GB one i saw screens and it looks very good. i too am dowloading it now.
the one I am d/l is 1.70 GB

no screens tho, but it had about 8,000 leechers, the d/l is pretty slow though, about 90 kb/s
i dont even know what PSBB is.
you guys are such a bunch of cheap bastids. go see it on the big screen
While that may be true. Who died and made you the head Nazi in charge?
watching major motion pictures on a pc is shameful
Keyser Soze Wrote:watching major motion pictures on a pc is shameful

yeah considering what we do online, i think thats the least thing we should be shameful of.
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