Full Version: I will return to active participation.....
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Pages: 1 2
fbd Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:
Danked Wrote:However, I'd like to note that I would vote for Lou Weed over Hoon should he also return.
i call your lou weed and raise you a Doc
i'll re-raise an armymad

That's like having a royal flush on the river.
Danked Wrote:Louis?

So formal.

he deserves nothing less than formal!
Does he still call you hornygoatweed?

Or did marriage and a kid kill your libido?
Goat should take his limp D*** and stick it in your A**C*** till he C**'s all over your back.
You forgot to capitalize the asterixes for extra emphasis.
the Horny has been gone a while now - not sure when I lost it Confusedigh:

Maybe I can get him to make an appearance here - he's kinda shy, you know.
well played fbd
i thought about working the trap with a dana dillon, but i decided to play it safe and go all in
i was going to slow play it with an arthur dent myself
When is the trading deadline?
yes, because people make trades in poker. nice job
its after we pick more letters out of the bag
i'll trade you a queen of hearts for a jack of spades.
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