Full Version: A question for those who support Bush
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they both suck. again, stewart/colbert are the best 1-2 combo.
5$ says Hoon thinks Colbert is a straight up guy with rock rib conservative values.
when i go out, i want it to be big news on cnn and i want to be the bad guy.
just so nancy grace can cover the story with tears in her eyes and call me horrible names.
Quote:A few days ago, I was talking to my sister when she mentioned some politician trying to create a new law that would measure the gas used by cars and tax people based on how much they burned. She then stated that if nothing else, that would cause a revolt because the people wouldn''t stand for it.

How quaint.

Some hard truth follows, so be sure you''re ready, because while it may be personally offensive at first, if you think about it, you''ll see that I''m right.

The American people have lost. Plain and simple. We have become incapable of changing government for the better, and sadly, the few who are actually fighting to make government better are doomed to failure. It''s a lost cause. People won''t revolt. People won''t "kick the politicians out of office." People won''t do a single thing but complain. We are NOT our ancestors, and we are CERTAINLY NOT our Founding Fathers. Today''s typical American has less in common with them then they do with an inert mass. Don''t believe me? Read on.

How many people complain about government? I see those in the back, yes, I see you, too. Everyone does, basically. Government taxes us to the point where we need two incomes to survive, government creates laws that go against the will of the people, government rules with an iron fist, and government lies about everything. The saying "the only time politicians tell the truth is when they call each other liars" is more true today than ever.

But why? Why does government get away with what it does? Simple. Americans are dopes.

Let''s face facts. The average American is led by what he or she sees on TV and in the newspaper, but mostly by TV. If it''s on TV, it''s true, and sound bites are as deep as any story goes, they believe. Whatever slant TV puts on a story, that''s the one they accept. It doesn''t matter that the media ("Old Media") is "leftist" or "liberal," as anyone with a brain cell can see, because it''s TV. TV has raised most Americans, it would seem, so they''ve lost the ability or desire to question it. Politicians know this, and use TV to drive home the importance of voting for them, as well as effectively spreading lies to the populace.

Next, Americans are, put simply, too stupid to vote outside of the two major parties. How often have I heard "my family always voted Democrat, so that''s how I vote...who''s running, anyway?" Or "my daddy told me to vote Republican, so that''s what I do." We''ve become so conditioned to vote for either one or the other that no third party has a real chance. And that''s sad, since the two major parties are basically the same thing now. Both are corrupt, both "play the game" to get elected over and over again, and both are infested with people who seek nothing more than personal power. The main problem with politics is simple: people enter it solely to get something for themselves. When that is the basis of a politician, what can you expect other than corruption? Nothing.

As an example of this, take the Constitution Party. This is only one of the third parties out there. You may not agree with everything they say or believe, but they many good points. Why can''t they (or another third party) get a shot at office? Lack of money. The two major parties buy elections, and since most Americans only see what''s on TV, and since only the two parties are generally seen on TV, Americans think only those two exist. So now we''re locked into one evil or the other, and a party that COULD make a difference for the better doesn''t have a chance.

Of course, people would say "but voting for a third party would just be throwing my vote away." You''re right, it would be. For the very reasons that I''ve mentioned. That''s why we''ve lost. There are not enough Americans that think to make a difference. The vast majority are TV-brainwashed, and only when they are brought into the light of thought and can wipe the TV, Old Media scum from their eyes, does a third party have a chance. Here''s the kicker, though: other nations have not just three, but even more parties, and people actually vote for them in huge numbers. I guess Americans are just not as politically bright as, say, Canadians or something, eh?

To top all this off, people keep voting the same idiots into office. It doesn''t matter that Politician Bob took his state''s funds and hired a hooker every day at taxpayer expense, and then took a kickback from some construction company to allow a forest to be torn down so they could put yet another Wal-mart up. No, none of that matters because at election time, he''ll have his mud-slingers run negative ads about his opponent, who is also a politician and sadly enough, is hoping to win so he can screw over the population himself. Then, the typical American goes to the polls either planning on voting for the "family party" or votes against the person featured in the last negative ad he or she saw on TV. Isn''t "democracy" wonderful?

So, don''t expect politics to change until people do. After all, Americans think we live in a democracy. We don''t. We live in a constitutional republic. Look it up.
i have to be honest..
that article is probably very interesting but i don't have the attention span to read it.

i do sincerely apologize. i seriously think i need pills.
i read apri's entire article, its completely accurate. america is too lazy to realize its stuck with a impotent and disfunctional two party system.
the problem is the ability to create a viable Third Party with cohesion.

Most Third Parties are filled with nut jobs,
are personality driven behind one candidate and lack a unifying platform.
Mc Cain should run from a third party.
That's the Problem Keyser....
McCain runs as a third party... and the party exists as long as he is in office, or politically active. If he is elected to ANYTHING he will lack party support to drive an agenda and pass legislation.
hey man. i'd love a third party but as ken pointed out - we all know it's about as attainable as a grambling bowl bid
Ken'sPen Wrote:That's the Problem Keyser....
McCain runs as a third party... and the party exists as long as he is in office, or politically active. If he is elected to ANYTHING he will lack party support to drive an agenda and pass legislation.

you are assuming he will divide, rather than unite the establishment parties. think of him as the mediator between two kook elements.
you really are naive aren't you.

Bush & Co. trashed him when he ran for office as a Republican..... You tell me what the RNC powerbrokers would do if they saw him as a potential threat to create a third party and erode a portion of their powerbase...

Democratic leadership would view him the same way.

There might be superficial cooperation, but that's it.
the bottom line is that you need voters and the only target voting block they'd get with any majority is the young and the last election proved they cannot be motivated to put down their PS2 controllers to vote.

shit, mtv, puff daddy and hollywood spent years and billions of dollars to get them to push the democratic lever but they still wouldn't.

american youth is too lazy to vote and if that's the case, i don't want them voting anyway because that means they clearly don't have real conviction.
it means they're voting for the fashion of it..
we are doomed
I think we were doomed from the start...
I don't think the founding fathers ever really trusted the unwashed masses to make important decisions.... It's certainly no accident that for the most part they were the elite men of means.
let's be realistic. you CAN'T trust the masses.
it's like putting a child in charge of naming himself

(ie: Big Daddy 'frankenstien')

i have met alot of people in my life and if i thought those fuckers had a real say in running this country i'd move to canada and dig a hole in the ground.
I'm sure this was probably an interesting thread filled with obscure Sir O links about how Bush is singlehandedly and with malice and forethought destroying this planet, but it was 3 pages too long for me to read.

To answer the question he initially posed, I don't think, given the way Bush has positioned himself, until someone innocent dies due to 100% of his policies, people will support him.

Conversely, until Bin Ladin holds a press conference at ESPN SportsZone recant the actions of the last 20 years and admit that the US is the best country on earth, and that Jesus Christ came to him in a dream, saying specifically, that George W. Bush is a great man and that he should surrender to his will, people like Sir O will hate everything he does.
bush should become a moehl and suck the blood out of infant jew penises, then everyone will quit this bickering over it being bad.

Bush can do no wrong, it's almost as if he tries to see what he can get away with and it's basically anything.
Quote:Conversely, until Bin Ladin holds a press conference at ESPN SportsZone recant the actions of the last 20 years and admit that the US is the best country on earth, and that Jesus Christ came to him in a dream, saying specifically, that George W. Bush is a great man and that he should surrender to his will, people like Sir O will hate everything he does.

not really since nobody cares about bin laden anymore anyway
bin who?
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