Full Version: We need more whores!!!! - Yeah yeah, i know...
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:no, really, fuck off: :happyangel: :drool: :burnfucker: :love: :evilman: :bouncer: :bouncer: :roltflmao: Confusedatan:
Sean Cold Wrote::pissed: :pissed: I have to say, I fuckin hate quote vortex! Gives me a damned head ache! :running at mouth: :running at mouth:
Maybe some blueberry fag coffee will help your little headache, bitch.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote::pissed: :pissed: I have to say, I fuckin hate quote vortex! Gives me a damned head ache! :running at mouth: :running at mouth:
Maybe some blueberry fag coffee will help your little headache, bitch.
Angry tonight, Alkey...
Nobody changed that dirty diaper for you? :puke:
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote::pissed: :pissed: I have to say, I fuckin hate quote vortex! Gives me a damned head ache! :running at mouth: :running at mouth:
Maybe some blueberry fag coffee will help your little headache, bitch.
Angry tonight, Alkey...
Nobody changed that dirty diaper for you? :puke:
Go suck on a garden hose.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote::pissed: :pissed: I have to say, I fuckin hate quote vortex! Gives me a damned head ache! :running at mouth: :running at mouth:
Maybe some blueberry fag coffee will help your little headache, bitch.
Angry tonight, Alkey...
Nobody changed that dirty diaper for you? :puke:
Go suck on a garden hose.
damn someone better give him his fucking bj quick before he kills us all

too bad maynard went to sleep
It's so cute to watch Maymay sleep.

Sometimes his legs move like he's running down the street chasing a firetruck.
IrishAlkey Wrote:It's so cute to watch Maymay sleep.

Sometimes his legs move like he's running down the street chasing a firetruck.
for that...bend over... :fuckin:
IrishAlkey Wrote:It's so cute to watch Maymay sleep.

Sometimes his legs move like he's running down the street chasing a firetruck.
LOL thanks i needed a laugh
on that note im going to bed
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
IrishAlkey Wrote:It's so cute to watch Maymay sleep.

Sometimes his legs move like he's running down the street chasing a firetruck.
ok, thats line of the fuckin night, hands down.

we have a winner!

alkey gets a cookie!
Die alkey die! Laces out!
How many are here now anyway?

VG, Spit, Amy, Luna, CRX, Rape, me
7...well 8 since magus is here, too
fbdlingfrg Wrote:7...well 8 since magus is here, too
9, you forgot IkeaBoy.
NaughtyAngel Wrote:
Quote:It's so cute to watch Maymay sleep.

Sometimes his legs move like he's running down the street chasing a firetruck.
LOL thanks i needed a laugh
on that note im going to bed
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Oh my God, Amy has morphed into Becky.
Quote:How many are here now anyway?

Ladi, VG, Spit, Amy, Luna, CRX, Rape, rape me. :fuckin:
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:How many are here now anyway?

Ladi, VG, Spit, Amy, Luna, CRX, Rape, rape me. :fuckin:
Shut up pops. You just wanna get raped.
Quote:Shut up pops. You just wanna get raped.
it would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:Shut up pops. You just wanna get raped.
it would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway
Have you been checking?
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:Shut up pops. You just wanna get raped.
it would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway
are we talking about Ladi again? that's more like a needle into the grand canyon.
Quote:Ladi, VG, Spit, Amy, Luna, CRX, Rape

hey, i am not a whore, but i sure wish i was :real good:
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