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gonzo will only get back in my good graces by getting a tatoo of the bee girl on his neck.
Welcome back......

I am working on doing a write up on you for Arpi's project and need a little help.
So far I got "Nice Tits".......

I feel I should make it longer though,
Yo KP! what up, dawg?

mmmmm no, I can't think of a single thing else to say and even your comments would be debatable.

if I think of anything I'll let you know.
they're baaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaack
-you're talking about the architect to the board of hate. 'nice tits' is a good start, though.
I feel I should also mention her dumper.
don't forget her love of animals and the downtrodden.
the very reason she back posting here.
Hoon Wrote:don't forget her love of animals and the downtrodden.
the very reason she back posting here.
excuse me??? I was never a Snakey supporter. I SWEAR IT.
Snakey > Paris Hilton
my face is still slightly distorted from when she started telling us about greg going down on her.

i mean.... seriously.
Did she ever join this board?
and if so.... Did Alkey fuck her?
shit i don't know, man.
all i know is the other day she was talking about having some kind of glanular problem that cuased her to have to buy new panties every few weeks or risk running her washer into the ground....

she holds a place in my contempt that very few have seen.
Sounds like Alkey got to her.
Hoon Wrote:shit i don't know, man.
all i know is the other day she was talking about having some kind of glanular problem that cuased her to have to buy new panties every few weeks or risk running her washer into the ground....

she holds a place in my contempt that very few have seen.
shit, that's nothing... do you want to know why her dog died recently? She never bothered to take the dog to the vet when he was a puppy to get his series of parvo shots because she didn't want to cut into her alcohol and concert tickets fund and then her and her friend slammed american vets for the death of her dog.

she makes Dana Dillon seem sane.
you are both complete losers.
Luna and Hoon can be annoying,
word on the street is they are having a torrid affair.
Ken'sPen Wrote:Luna and Hoon can be annoying,
word on the street is they are having a torrid affair.
Nope... sadly, I couldn't tolerate all the posters of George Dubya in his bedroom. It was freaking me out.

if luna and i were having an affair you nerds would be lining up to sniff my fingers.
next time try using your dick.........

and I'll pass on sniffing either.
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