Full Version: Hey, can someone make me a mod?
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not my decision, but i have no reservations. whats your plan?
its a secret. i dont want you stealing it. after you get me modded i will share it with you all. it is a very exciting plan.
sorry, doesn't work that way.
of course you would say that. you know that you wont get me modded so its easy for you to say, "go for it", cause you know you are safe from being shown up.
typical keyser posturing.
guess you'll never find out
that made me laugh at you out loud
mission accomplished
yeah, that was your intent. to be perceived as a fool.
watch me dance!
you do it so often it is hard not to.
Psh, you can't dance like Jesse.

nice smile, chad
if keyser and arpi get into an argument, i'm on keysers side.
thats is a point for my side
a 7 / 10 split, as the jays would say
Well this didn't work.

Mod me and I'll post more conspiracy theories! (that'll work!)
I vote yes.
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