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with some fun "odd" songs from the past
or current....
such as,
Nilson's coconut song, The Girl from Iponema, or Melanie's Brand new Key

songs that I can pull out and amaze everyone that I have it....

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these aren't really "odd", but fun to have
Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
Paul Simon - Me and Julio down by the school yard
c'mon Hedcold, dig deeper.
jailbreak - thin lizzy
Cracker Eurotrash Girl
thats not really obscure
you are going to argue with me about the type of songs I am looking for?

Louis Prima.....
M.C. Hammer
How about Milli Vanilli?
You saying that Louis Prima is odd?
dead milkmen
Tootsie Roll
Keyser Soze Wrote:cake

excellent choices....
Love Fashion Nugget, and have the Mollusk and 12 Country greats on....

your aim is improving.
walk like an egyptian
hybrid would have given me 20 choice suggestions by now.
morning traffic side street trash by the macoroni cheese baby blue boys
united states of whatever - liam lynch
allen sherman- hello muddah
shattered, Remy Zero
Shade and Honey, Alessandro Nivola
Cliffs of Dover, Eric Johnson
Burning in the Sun, Blue Merle
Somewhere over the Rainbow, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
The Kids, Eminem
The Touch, Stan Bush
Northern Sky, Nick Drake
Hum, The Sheila Divine
I'm A Believer, The Sheila Divine
Ghetto Gospel, Tupac
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