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go into your profiles and click yes to allow html and bb code. then, you will see pictures
I just edited Tequila and Ken - do you fools see the pics now?
I can't believe how much effort went into letting us see the postage stamp of Marisa Miller Tequila posted.
it was sooooooooo worth it, right?
there's a better one up now.
Changed the pic so you can see it. The pic size that I originally showed was 500 X 800 don't know why it showed so small
she has bangin' tits.
It works so much better.

I dont see any codes at all
find the pictures of her in the haystack.
Cant find it but this might help.

<img src="*-http%3A//"/img>
Ken'sPen Wrote:I just pleasured myself to the html code....
she's THAT fucking hot.

i laughed
her cunt stinks
It smells like HEROIN. Better?
Are you married?
Fuck no. Close a couple of times, but the smarter half of me bailed. Good thing too, I'd hate to be divorced twice.
steady gal?
Nope. Too many psycho chicks go crazy for my cock and it causes all sorts of headaches.
yeah, THEY'RE psychos
I just need to move the fuck out of NY. Long Island has some of the most self centered cunts in the world. Fucking useless slits, they'll suck and fuck up a storm before marriage, then make excuses after the kids come.

A friend has a German wife and she hasn't been polluted like the whores around here.
poopie poopie!
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