Full Version: For my entertainment Part II
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Pages: 1 2
Gooch Wrote:GRK made me thankful I got the "Perfect Date" blow-up doll from Tequila.

How is that doll?
Keyser Soze Wrote:rumour has it suzie and arpi have carnal knowledge of each other.

i have had sex with everyone on the board but DIG, Ken, and Keyser.
I don't have any sex drive... BECAUSE I'M ON THE HEROIN!
I don't remember ever fucking any guys.
I stepped in gonzo's semen a few times, that's about it.
does that count as him scoring?
look buddy, there's only room enough for one kitty on this board, skeedadle.
don't get your fur ruffled, stickypaws
Pages: 1 2