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what was the story about Galt's girl backing out of a lease so she could fuck some ex boyfriend?

for as much as I loved Galt,
I could never stop laughing at that story...
it was so painful.....yet hysterical.......

I forgot the other guys name...
there was a time when that name almost brought me the same glee as the word Hobo.
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:they save enough money as it is, hiring only mexicans

You guys are slacking 12 posts and still no reference to me be a mexican?

What is this board coming to?
we ignore you whenever possible
Ken'sPen Wrote:what was the story about Galt's girl backing out of a lease so she could fuck some ex boyfriend?

for as much as I loved Galt,
I could never stop laughing at that story...
it was so painful.....yet hysterical.......

I forgot the other guys name...
there was a time when that name almost brought me the same glee as the word Hobo.

I just smiled....

I know that speaks volumes about my lack of character........ but fuck it.....

I'm learning to laugh at Slash getting smacked during coitus as well.
I have truly missed Galt - I hope he stays around for a while, at least before he runs off to Amsterdam.
i kept trying to irk him to get a Galt-level attack...but it's just that same ol drivel that he was spewing before he left.
one man's drivel is another's quality posting.
that should be the new tagline to CDIH 3.0
Tequila Wrote:
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:they save enough money as it is, hiring only mexicans

You guys are slacking 12 posts and still no reference to me be a mexican?

What is this board coming to?
are you really? where is your family from? mine moved from tampico.
suddenly that whole Tomato Boy thing is coming into focus.
she never backed out of a lease so should could boff her boyfriend.

She bought a house, but just never told me that she was buying it with that other dude.

She got hers though: they broke up, her dog died, and she had to sell the house
I think if you fake a little empathy about the dog,
you could parlay that into some sloppy seconds.
Gooch Wrote:priceless.
No that was priceless
at least galt has the balls to lay it all out, warts and all.
Much like the genital warts you got from that Las Vegas redhead?
come on, you're better than that.
does gooch even realize how awful he is, or is he so awful that he has no clue?
no clue
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