Full Version: put on headphones and listen to this
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sounded like gonzo when he had the crabs and was scratching himself endlessly. Except there was no crying and cursing.
you didnt find that cool? i thought it was really cool.
that was the worst, most ridiculous thing i have ever heard
Arpikarhu Wrote:you didnt find that cool? i thought it was really cool.

You told me you stopped using the coke!!!
did you use headphones? it doesnt work without headphones
ok it was better with the headphones on but it's like saying "well it doesnt smell as bad now".
if you had just put on headphones from the beginning you would have been impressed. its a new sound tech. obviously, reading the title of the thread was too much for you.
Cats don't care about you or what you have to say.

Fuckin' cats!
I'm gonna shit on your nazi book.