Full Version: I started using Firefox
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i did.
Then use it and stop your incessant whining.
yeah I mean I dont get the bashing at this point - you dont like it, thats fine - use IE or Opera or whatever. Apparently a lot of people use it and seem to like it a lot, enough to make Billy get nervous at least.
i've said it a bunch of times, i like FF. im not bashing, im just pointing out it has serious flaws. its not the greatest thing since sliced bread like some people make it out to be.

and the only reason its not riddled with security holes yet is because hackers go after the biggest target, which again is why Mac's get less viruses....smaller market share.
the best things about Firefox are the tabs (awesome) and bugmenot (which rarely even works)
i also like the rss bookmarks.
either this board took a little poopie woopies earlier or FF is playting games with me again
It's the DEA tapping your system they're watching you.
FF sucks.
i use the winamp browser
this fucker sure does crash a lot. I even had to restart my computer to be able to use it again.
Have you updated your windows lately? Spyware or adware can and will fuck up your system more so then an open source browser.
i have auto update so i guess so
1.5 is really bad on memory leakage, I started noticing it a lot last week so I did a complete removal/reinstall and it seems ok for now, but apparently it's gonna keep getting worse - I think I'll revert back to 1.07.
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