Full Version: The Shield Season 5
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Keyser Soze Wrote:
Adolf Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:its sesame street you fucking dolt

First off, naturally you'd know.

Secondly, I'm a cat, what's your excuse dullard?

ouch, thrilling comeback, did gooch write that one for you?

you're a delusional man who plays a cat on the internet. i don't need an excuse.

someone has issues, wanna rub my fur?
Thanks for the VLC link goaty, I just watched episodes 1&2 and all I have to say is wow.

It does look like this will unfortunately be the final season but it looks like they're definitily going out on a high note.

It's a shame they tossed off that Doomsday spic so quick though, he was the best bad guy since Armadillo in season 3.

So mackey is either gonna be tossed, killed or going to jail for a long time, but its not gonna end pretty for him.

All in all, much improved so far over season 4.
Doomsday was badass, but the "bad guy" is Kavanaugh, so they gotta stick with the plan - and yeah it looks like the end but intil Ryan himself says so, I wont believe it.
well thats what I heard on some fan boards and imdb, cause when porky got the season 4 boxset there was an insert for season 5. The tagline was "the begining of the end". So I went to the fansites and everyone was saying that it was confirmed that this would indeed be the last season. Ryan basically stated that he didnt wanna just do the show to do it, he wanted to go out on top.

Though I also did read that this season would be extended to like 20 episodes instead of the usual 13, then again its all rumor I guess until its all preceeded by an (AP).

Forrest Whitaker is doing a great job with his character so far, I dont see him as the bad guy really. I mean he's definitily the "bad guy" as far as vic is concerned but Vic is the real bad guy, even though we all love him. He's done some pretty shitty stuff that he does deserve to burn for but naturally we all wanna see him ride off into the sunset. Obviously it doesnt seem like hes getting away with anything.

Thats why I was hoping they keep this doomsday guy around, he was by far one of the better bad guys of the show. But I guess now with the whole situation with Lem, IAD, etc. They're gonna have a lot to deal with on the show.

Its gonna be very interesting to see how this whole situation with Lem works out though, now that Vic knows that IAD is on him and Lem may snitch. Obviously shane is gonna wanna get rid of him or maybe turn on vic and everyone else? Ronnie of course no one cares about.
poor Ronnie - he even got his head bashed in on the first ep, yet still gets no love.
I think once armadillo burnt his face on the stove and no one noticed or cared, they figured out that his character needs to have as little screen time as possible. His character really is just pointless for 4+ seasons.

The trailers for next weeks episode look pretty awesome though, made my fur stand up.
Seems like they stopped putting the scar tissue on his cheek too.......
completely useless character....
I loved how they had to validate in the last episode that ronnie knows how to kick someones ass. The people writing the show must have completely forgot that there was a 4th member of the strike team for the last 4 seasons.
They should make him dribble a basketball like Richie Cunningham's brother.
Can't wait, tonight I get to actually watch the episode on TV instead of having to download it.

Cablevision took its sweet as time but atleast we got it.

a can of chicken and liver fancy feast says that shane is the first one to suggest killing Lem.
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