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oooh, Seph... can i get a "3"?
Or perhaps a #2, which to stay on topic is a 2 cheeseburger meal with fries and drink at Mc Donalds.
Wow, are these threads ever predictable. It's almost like you guys are following a script.
Quote:Wow, are these threads ever predictable. It's almost like you guys are following a script.
drugs? what?
you rang?
I was going to say "Then go to wackbag where you make your own titles." But how was your eggplant and Mozarella on a Whole Wheat wrap, did you have a perrier to drink?
i tried to defile it and i got sucked in. damn you maynard, damn you to hell
Quote:i tried to defile it and i got sucked in. damn you maynard, damn you to hell
i tried to defile it and i got sucked in. damn you maynard, damn you to hell
Well then I finally accomplished my mission. With all of your hatred for messge boards I NEVER thought I'd get you to be able to post on topic in a thread.

I am the god of fuck.
prostitutes & canines don't count maymay, sorry.....
Well I've never been with either. So I guess it's all good.
Quote:With all of your hatred for messge boards

When did I ever say I hated this place?
Quote:Well I've never been with either. So I guess it's all good.
oh... then please, accept my apologies, kind sir.... I didn't realize you were the REAL God of Fuck...

oh, by the way mr. deity of doink.... when's the last time you were actually involved in sexual activity that wasn't with yourself or another man.... just curious?
"you can be a man..."

what's the matter mayfag, somebody wrinkle your skirt?
maynard listening to Marilyn Manson records & thinking he's "The God of Fuck" is the equivilent of Guido's watching Rocky for the first time...
dude, that's the best eddie murphy bit, ever. EVER!!!11
rolling on the god damn floor laughing my mother fucking ass off because maynard actually thinks he's the god of fuck....... right?
Good job Zeth
yes hybrid... you are correct.... you now may proceed to acronym 102
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i'm so smart it scares me
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