Full Version: So i've been writing a little lately... - Anyone want to share?
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The song may change
With the lyrics you pick
Yet the song remains the same
Cause Afrika is still a dick.
that was beautiful
If you were younger I'd adopt you and call you son. Especially since AM has not shown his surrogate daddy any love.
Take me now!
waves breaking on the shore
the sun is melting on the horizon
her smooth skin glistens
fingers sliding up her back
her lips are salty
her back arches
tide rolling in
water envelopes our flesh
now one
rise and fall
waves and bodies
now one
sultry summer sun
am i the only one who pictured this after reading that :
[Image: from-here-to-eternity.jpg]
Montgomery Clift was the bomb in "from here to eternity", yo!!!!!
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