Full Version: Things I want to do with my CDIH brethren
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Pages: 1 2
always seemed more like a nightmare to me.
so much so that you tried anyway? couldn't have been that bad of a nightmare then.
yeah what the fuck was i thinking?
to each his own, I never judged you & your redhead antics.
you'd chop off your left nut for a piece of that redhead and don't you deny it.
I probably would, dining on a redhead is another dream of mine that I think will remain a dream.
61. Get lush to fuck Sleeper.

Could Sleeper even get it up for a female?
Mad Wrote:
Tequila Wrote:IQ of 128

I find that highly doubtful. Someone must have switched tests with you, Mr. Just Above Freezing.
In all honesty, that is my real IQ score. Took test 7 months ago as part of my companies traing program. The test was given only to those who wanted to take it. It wan't mandatory.
Mad Wrote:Could Sleeper even get it up for a female?

only if she had a face like a toilet seat
1. bite keysers face off
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