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Pages: 1 2 3
I can't even guess what happens next, so do you think claudette is dead?
I would imagine shes not, but I dont see her coming back to detective duty. she got the guy and it took everything she had.

I see retirement in her immediate future.
I hope shes dead and it drives dutch over the edge, that would be awesome.

killin cats and listening to "hungry like the wolf"
I guess he finally got his "big break".
The aceveda angle made things much more interesting, plus bringing antwon back into the shuffle.
this reminds me of the time that Lore deactivated Data's morality programming and he was going to destroy Geordie's brain cells
BOOM goes the weakest link.
you are the best thing going around here

see this thread:
If you dont watch this show, youre a cunt.
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