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I would venture to guess that Petitiononline has never saved anything.

And it's too late. The show is cancelled. Fox is burning the last four episodes in two weeks
I think I read somewhere Showtime is trying to pick it up.
if the show is so good, and Fox is making such a huge mistake, why aren't more networks clamoring to pick it up?
remember family guy?
"the mullets" had fans, too
so did shasta mcnasty, now that was a great show.
Adolf Wrote:remember family guy?

yeah, but was there this much hostility when it was cancelled? From what I gather, this show is "hysterical", the "funniest on TV" right now, "critically acclaimed", and apparently has a huge fan base - Fox is dropping it because it either has no ratings or they just hate it - either way, with all the press it's getting it would be silly for it not to be picked up, unless the show is more hype than substance.

Family Guy was a toon, and outside of the Simpsons what other toon has done well? And I thought I read that these new Family Guy eps weren't all that great anyway?
Bite your tounge, peter griffin is the greatest comedian who ever lived!
I guess - alls I'm saying is it seems universally accepted that cancelling this show would be bad - yet I havent seen anything but rumours regarding anyone else picking it up. I would think lots of networks would be interested, based on the hype.
I never seen the show, Jason Bateman is on it, and he is the most awful actor since Keifer Sutherland.

But it seems that the same people who wanna petition and FIGHT THE POWER to keep this show on, are the same people who bought the vote or die t-shirts. Then bitched for a year about how everyone needs to go out and vote, to get Bush out of office. Then on election day were pissed off cause the lines were too long, or they didnt wanna miss the episode of friends and hoped everyone else would vote, but the domino effect was in play and Bush is still in office.
Maybe they'll keep the series alive by shooting straight to DVD eps, like Futurama.
or maybe next time they'll know better than to choose Jason Bateman for a show.
you gotta admit tho, Kiefer > Jason
thats not saying much but yes I agree.
Jason Bateman is awesome in the show. He's basically like Seinfeld. He's the straight man for all the other zany people.

The show rules, and if you don't watch it, you are dumb and gay.

But it's got atrocious ratings, so Fox cancells it. Sure, the fact that "skating with celebrities" is a monster hit is shameful, but Fox would be remiss not to try and fill their schedule with shows that people actually watch.
Bateman has the charisma of a woodplank.

Seinfeld > Bateman

Bateman = Bob Villa
Vote or die? riiiiight, sooooooooo...anyway. Its a great show and its not getting the attention it deserves. Hopefully Showtime or ABC picks it up, both are rumored to do just that.
We'll see just how much the cast is behind the show when they move to Showtime and have their salaries reduced by 50%
Quote:Vote or die? riiiiight, sooooooooo...

wanna explain that?
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