Full Version: the old lady next door...
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it's been quiet. She's either better or stone dead
you should emulate her.
by emulate he means eat her heart and smear "helter skelter" on the walls using her blood.

i had an old lady next door when I was 12 who kept trying to kidnap my stupid mutt Howie. she would feed him biscuits when we weren't looking, and then she would try to lure the dog to jump over the fence and into her yard.
The Jays Wrote:i had an old lady next door when I was 12 who kept trying to kidnap my stupid mutt Howie. she would feed him biscuits when we weren't looking, and then she would try to lure the dog to jump over the fence and into her yard.
I bet she was trying to molest your dog.

Did you notice any peanut butter on those biscuits.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
2 tired 2 give N F Wrote:well... is there a smell?

-oops that was coppelia... i'm borrowed his laptop

coppelia is a dude?!?!

no no i'm definately a girl thanks, i borrowed 2 tired's laptop.
Mad Wrote:Sure she wasn't ragging?

ok ew, like i'd allow that.
you're very clean, very very clean.

thats not good.
All i hear everytime in my mind when she does it is GOLLUM! GOLLUM!

I chuckle
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