Full Version: Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Available
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Goatweed Wrote:

and from the review right before the one I linked :

Quote:Also i think security is over rated, people that don't use this browser just because it uses IE engine doesn't make sense, because in fact it runs faster then firefox, loads faster, and in my experience even uses less resources.

yes, getting spyware, trojans & overall slowdowns on a PC is over rated :roll:

and having the browser load faster has nothing to do with security, it has to do with it being incorporated into the Windows shell which is also a security hole. Internet applications should RUN on an operating system, not be a PART of one.

people dont get viruses, spyware, and trojans because they use IE, they get viruses, spyware and trojans because they're fucking idiots.
you are speaking for your people, well done.
Arpikarhu Wrote:i use photshop at the same time and have no issues


i've had quite a number of problems with two G5s we purchased as soon as they came out. Two others that came later do not seem to have those issues. I'll chalk it up to that weirdness. Unfortunately, I use one of the troubled ones.
apples first generation of anything is always full of bugs. its why i am waiting a year before buying one of the new intel laptops
those new apples will make me buy one i just have to wait.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:

and from the review right before the one I linked :

Quote:Also i think security is over rated, people that don't use this browser just because it uses IE engine doesn't make sense, because in fact it runs faster then firefox, loads faster, and in my experience even uses less resources.

yes, getting spyware, trojans & overall slowdowns on a PC is over rated :roll:

and having the browser load faster has nothing to do with security, it has to do with it being incorporated into the Windows shell which is also a security hole. Internet applications should RUN on an operating system, not be a PART of one.

people dont get viruses, spyware, and trojans because they use IE, they get viruses, spyware and trojans because they're fucking idiots.

I sortof agree with you - most people are stupid but even those "in the know" can get anything installed on their machine without their knowledge.
you cannot get a virus from opening an email message, reading a webpage, or downloading a file.

you get viruses from opening a file attached to an email or downloading and running a file from a webpage.

what this has to do with IE versus FF, you need to explain and educate me about.
Arpikarhu Wrote:apples first generation of anything is always full of bugs. its why i am waiting a year before buying one of the new intel laptops

yeah, had no choice.

then again, spoke to someone else with a mac here...two G4s running 10.4, and also has issues with Safari. weird.
Keyser Soze Wrote:you cannot get a virus from opening an email message, reading a webpage, or downloading a file.

you get viruses from opening a file attached to an email or downloading and running a file from a webpage.

what this has to do with IE versus FF, you need to explain and educate me about.

I think it's because with IE sometimes you aren't privy to all the things you are downloading.
Keyser Soze Wrote:you cannot get a virus from opening an email message, reading a webpage, or downloading a file.

you get viruses from opening a file attached to an email or downloading and running a file from a webpage.

what this has to do with IE versus FF, you need to explain and educate me about.

Email - ok, if you dont open attachments chances are you wont get anything that way - and yes, stupid people who do open then deserve everything they get from it - you'll get no argument from me.

There are several activeX exploits that can be affected through malicious coding - try going to a Warez site with IE, then run a spyware scan. You'll see a shitload of spyware and you wont see how or when it was installed. Now I know you'll say "well smart people dont go to warez sites" but smart people who use FF DO go to warez sites & come out unscathed (at least I have thus far, not that I go all the time since torrents manage to leep me happy).

I'm not a FF spokesperson, but a simple Google search on the inadequate security that IE and MS have provided for years will provide you with more education than I certainly could on the matter. Use what you like, FF is far from perfect but currently it is more secure.
Yeah warze sites are a no no if you have no firefox
FF doesn't support active x and you can turn active x off on IE. problem solved.
Keyser Soze Wrote:FF doesn't support active x and you can turn active x off on IE. problem solved.

Arpi & Ken are much better at back & forth banter with you than I'll ever be - plus it's time for me to go home. YOU WIN!!
well if Mozilla threw me a few bucks I might try harder.

ok, Im gone now.
So I've been using this, and it's great. But now I need to upload a shitload of stuff onto eRoom and it doesn't support IE7 yet. For some reason the plugin isn't installing into mozilla or Netscape, though it says both are supported.

I have not found a way to uninstall this browser and install an older one.
i'm like fbd. i dont like tabs either. thats why i hated deadaim when it first came out too. stupid tabs.
tabs are alot easier to use if you clean your scuzzi regularly
Galt Wrote:So I've been using this, and it's great. But now I need to upload a shitload of stuff onto eRoom and it doesn't support IE7 yet. For some reason the plugin isn't installing into mozilla or Netscape, though it says both are supported.

I have not found a way to uninstall this browser and install an older one.
just uninstall it and ie6 will be back. i don't what happened for keyser, but it worked fine for me
I couldn't uninstall it. So I went into program files and deleted the folder. Now it's all fucked. I give up.
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