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Holy Shit!!!

I actually agreed with arpi on something, is this a sign?
and there is nothing i hate more when people stereo type people who like a certain type of music. i do not think i am deep because i listen to depth goes far beyond someone else's music. i do not feel that Ani's lyrics are obvious in anyway what so ever. i feel she gives me just enough with her lyrics, giving me a chance to relate my feelings and experiences to it...she can put exactly what i am feeling in to word, when i can't seem to find the right ones. i personally hate the smell of patchouli have never worn a woven bracelet, and have never sat in a dark room to discuss the trouble of the world with my self involved friends. my friends are the farthest thing from self involved for that matter. and thanks, i will enjoy the show.
Hehehe,... dykes and dogs.
ahh yes!i forgot about that...THE DYKES! that's thw whole reason i go her shows, so that i can get hit on by a whole bunch of dykes! it strokes my ego just a bit.

Edited By virgingrrl on April 06 2002 at 1:02
I thought this was going to be a thread on Tori Amos.
I think her version of Raining Blood really kicks ass. I mean come on, Tori doing Slayer??? What could be better?
Quote:I mean come on, Tori doing Slayer??? What could be better?
That's a trick question right?
Oh no, no tricks. Although her version of '97 Bonnie & Clyde just sucks my ass. She should NOT be doing Eminem covers. YUCK!
or Nirvana covers
I still think Little Earthquakes is my favorite album.

How about that Alanis chick. Have you heard her new album? She lost all the rage she had on Jagged Little Pill. She must like men now or something. I guess she just needed what all women need. Some good hard deep dicking.
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