Full Version: An interesting question I was asked this evening.
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Quote:Friend of Mine: have you heard of goatse?
Me: Yea
Friend of Mine: is it worse than tubgirl?
Me: that's a tough one
Friend of Mine: my friend and i have each seen one
Friend of Mine: and refuse to see the other
Friend of Mine: so we need a 3rd party
Me: hmm

I decided that if the tubgirl wasn't shooting explosive shit out of her ass she'd certainly be more attractive than the guy who's ass is all stretched out. So based on that alone I claimed that because of the prescence of man ass in the goatse it was worse than the naked woman in tubgirl because she probably looks better when not in that pose with explosive shits. So now I pose the question to you.

Which is worse?
i'll need links to both.
tubgirl. the "if she wasnt shooting liquid shit" excuse doesnt work, because that is the point of it. and shit is worse than a gaping asshole
2tired is the worst, just for asking.