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a jewess is the proper term for a female jew,
if you really wanna impress a jewish babe, refer to her as such, cause it will show you are sensitive and culturally aware.
Ken'sPen Wrote:a jewess is the proper term for a female jew,
if you really wanna impress a jewish babe, refer to her as such, cause it will show you are sensitive and culturally aware.
I never heard of that. I just call them JAP's.
Just to learn something today I looked up the meaning of the word Jewess, and found this little tidbit of information

Quote:Jew·ess ( P ) Pronunciation Key (js)
n. Offensive
A Jewish woman or girl.
Usage Note: Like many other English nouns in which the suffix -ess is added to a gender-neutral word to indicate femaleness, the terms Jewess and Negress are now widely regarded as offensive. It is interesting to note that the objection to words formed with the -ess suffix does not apply to words such as Latina and Chicana, whose contrasting forms Latino and Chicano are not gender-neutral but rather refer even in English primarily to males. See Usage Note at -ess. See Usage Note at Latina1.

So if I wanted to impress a jewish babe and say that , she might kick me in the balls. I am never going to listen to you about women, because you know nothing.
thanks for ruining a gag, you dank like bitch....

If just one person would have worked Jewess into a conversation.......
Holy shit.
is he a quaker posting form the library?
There are so few attractive girls on that show. The only one reasonably desirable is the one that appears in the main credits who I believe is named Isabella.

Going with the hypothetical, I would never knowingly sleep with a hooker for free or otherwise.
You are quite right Danked....
Issabella Soprano is the only moderately attractive girl on the show......
but hardly worth paying for.
Isabella Soprano is definitely doable. Sunset Thomas was amazing 10 years ago.
Airforce Aimee was hot,
in the day of the bi-plane.
im constantly amazed to find tequila is able to figure out how to turn on his computer and log on to this website.
even if you didnt know jewess was offensive, how could you not break it down to femal jew?
Look for teq's segment on MTV's, 'MADE' in March.

He wants to be MADE into a good poster and dig is going to be his MADE coach.
that term is so far out of my regular vocabulary i dont think that i have ever heard it before. & highly doubt ever feeling the need to use it.
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