Full Version: Keyser's rule breaking
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go ahead......
if you mention my name there.... I bet 3 people might remember me.
Quote:i dont come to the doors board and tell them im gods gift to whatever they call that godforsaken shithole.
and thank god/dess for that!!!!!1
Keyser Soze Wrote:its the arpi, ken and keyser show

more like apri and ken, showing the board what an ass you are......

seriously dude, we should be passed your ability to ignore the poll results.
Whatever happened to The Despiser! anyway?
wow you really are ignorant. i won the poll on my posting ability.
If I had to do the same again, I would my friend, Fernando....
we settled this last night. Keyser wears the Badge of Shame. No more fucking polls, you day posters!
we settled it, yet i see no badge. odd
Adolf pardoned him from having to wear it then disappeared. This is why I'm a dog person.

Plus, dogs are funnier when they get hard ons.
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