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Goatweed Wrote:Ken, you're 40? damn, I thought I was old.

i am not 40 yet! i am not the old man of the board!!

39 and malnourished.
You have life figured out.
i do! i do!
It's coming soon enough.
ken will still be older.


i am not the old man of CDIH anymore!!!!
I'm 38 dipshit,
I was rounding up to make it sound better.
i feel more spry at 35
who's laughin' now grandpa?
OAS still posts once in a great while, you're safe.
Ken'sPen Wrote:who's laughin' now grandpa?

you are lying! there is documented evidence of you claiming to be 40.

you are the old man of the board! not me!!

I AM FREE!!!!!!!!

i do recall Ken being 3 years older than me.
i'm sad i already used the grumpy old men picture reference a few weeks ago
Gooch Wrote:i do recall Ken being 3 years older than me.

you are just a wet fuckin' blanket these days.... what gives?
never underestimate gooches golden age iron clad memory.
I wasn't underestimating it.....
just bristling at him chiming in, denying me a few moments of "Arpi Panic" before I admitted the truth......

everyone is thwarting my joy.
there was no panic. you foolish old codger.

dangerously close to 41,
I'll be starting a Birthday thread on that day.
you're not far behind our favorite CIA operative geriatric. now i feel bad for picking on an old man.
senile old coot!

this is so sweet!

almost as sweet as the complete disgracing of keyser.
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