Full Version: Nothing on earth is more uncomfortable
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Mad Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:no, i dont fuck men, i don't find them the least bit attractive. you talk a awful lot about it, maybe its a secret craving you have? its ok, we accept all kinds here.

Didn't you just post the other day how attractive you think Brad Pitt is?
He thinks Hoon is hot, too.
shit you got me. does a man being able to acknowledge that another man is handsome make them gay? i think not. i don't want to fuck either of them but i can see why luna might.
I don't wanna fuck nobody.

Luna Wrote:I don't wanna fuck nobody.


you do realize that your statement is a double negative that indicates that you DO want to fuck somebody.......

I can't get no satisfaction...
Mick Rules!
Have you seen Keith Richards lately?


somebody should just throw dirt on top of him and get it over with.
So anyway an update on maxie the puerto rican faggot.

So he is still keeping up this charade of pretending he sexes women. So a few of us met up earlier this afternoon for lunch. So we go to a bar and maxie says "you know.. :waves hands around with his wrists limp: I hate bars, you always spend all your money and then wake up next to someone you don't know...... some chickie!!!!"

He tries so fuckin hard, its getting to be kinda sad now.
GonzoStyle Wrote:He tries so fuckin hard, its getting to be kinda sad now.
there is much shame in this.
It really is, I think i'm gonna try to tell him a story about "a guy I know" who is pretending to be straight but its pretty obvious he is gay.

I cant wait to hear his advice
no doubt he will pull a Keyser and demand to see a picture.
cause he wants to fuck him!!!
maxie should join the board, he'd be a real hoot.
we don't have a pink skin, cause he likes the pink and by pink he means pussy, not like pink in a poofta sense but like sticking his penis in vagina.
the pink skin would probably break the board, too.
nothing is better than slamming your cock into tight wet pussy......

it is wet right?
I guess
it better be,
I only fuck tight wet pussy
I get the shit all over the duvet cover.
I bet it feels like sticking your dick in a fist covered in vaseline.
pussy was as tight as a mans ass.... or any ass for that would be a woman's ass if I was fucking it.
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