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Pages: 1 2 3
ken knows
haha, needy faggots!!!
the kettle said weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
no, no, no....the kettle didn't say that. The pot said that.
whatever, as long as I get my tea.
im still waiting for my butter cookies.
I'm out of tea. Keyser pissed in it.

I'll make a fresh pot. or is that a fresh kettle? hmmm....
i have manners, i would never do such a filthy thing.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i have manners, i would never do such a filthy thing.

get your elbows off the table, stop picking your nose, and use your napkin to wipe your mouth, you slob.
pork chop with tea? where are YOUR manners?

and I told Keyser - no cookies for you faggot!
keyser manero will get the reference
i spend a lot of time on my hair, and he hits it!

he hits my hair!
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