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explain the origin of my badge of shame
hiya buddy
When a mommy square and a daddy circle love each other very much they make a special hug and have a baby. It is from this shameful union that your badge is born.

Stay with your own kind, kids!
Arpi gave it to you.
what's up eric
did that jew fag really give me this?
i had nothing to do with it
jalen rose?
see your jalen rose thread
what does the best knick of all time have to do with this
plus, I can't seem to give the Badge to Keyser, but you'll do.
You made your bed. Now lie in it.
fuck this bullshit
less whining, more humility
go mail in another podcast, shark jumper
The Sleeper Wrote:go mail in another podcast, shark jumper

damn that was vicious.
Yeah! PU!

Take a bath you fucking scumbag!