Full Version: What Ever Happened To....Arthur Dent
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Subject: Arthur Dent

Joined: 24 Jan 2002
Total posts: 2661
Location: the state of Confusion


Hey Dude,

was going thru CDIHs memberlist, and had always wondered what happened
to you. hope you are well.




From: "Arthur Dent"

Wow, gotta be 3 years since I even thought about that place. Gave up
the message board thing entirely a long time ago. IM's too. Kind of
unplugged entirely and really haven't missed it. Only use this e-mail
account for filtering Spam anymore.

Kinda surprised the place is even still around.

If anyone's wondering, I changed jobs, moved, got married and been keeping busy.

Good luck with the messageboard.
do ikeaboy!!!
ikea didn't leave his email with the board, so i can't email him thru CDIH's email feature.

i did do a few others...but remains to be seen if they answered.
Can you let him know that I wasn't wondering.
yammer elsewhere, blowhard.
don't worry Galt,
no matter how many people return to the board,
you will have a special place here....

it's called the bottom.
Power bottom.
How emotionally unstable do you have to be that you have to "give up" messageboards and instant messanger? Is interacting over the internet really that difficult and able to affect people so deeply? Pathetic fucking screwball.
stability is irrelevent. any hobby that takes up too much time is not a good thing. and posting is a hobby.

no worries though...

you'll always be my fave online psychopath.
the guy's a jerkoff pussy
rock on!
yeah he got married and we got lives.
he left cause of me.
seriously, what fuckin human attrocity would marry him.
poor dent