Full Version: the boards closing down by this coming spring
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Pages: 1 2
Tequila Wrote:Do you have any other names to call me.

I hope you can do better then moron.

Because you are a fucking waste of sperm. The best part of you dripped down the crack of your mothers ass and left a brown stain on the sheets.

this makes no physiological sense.

you are a moron
yes it does, you saying full metal jacket, makes no sense?
I think he's inferring that a portion of the sperm that impregnated your mother (or maybe a portion of the egg) someone broke off during intercourse and you were not a complete zygote.

Either that, or he thinks that one shot of semen is the entire Y chromosome.
or he's calling you a shit stain.
brown sperm?
come on, do i really have to explain it?
he's colored?
something like that
and by that you mean I'm wrong.
of course
I think I'm getting back on track!

I like it.
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