Full Version: Dsl login question - Figured someone might know...
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I have DSL at my house, and my parents have it at their house. We have the same Verizon service.

Yet, my computer saves the login information, but their doesn't. Everytime I go home, I click the "save logon info" be then every time I go to use it again, it doesn't save the username or password.

We both have Win98, and for the life of me, I don't know why his computer refuses to save the thing. I've tried to look around the windows personal security settings and shit, but just haven't been able to find anything.

Any idea what he could do to fix it?
a sledge hammer
Get cable.
Install Linux.
I hate you all, and I'm telling my dad you weren't helpful
my dad can beat up your dad
my dad is smarter than ur dad :roflmao: