Full Version: Hitler Baby In Web MD Commercial???
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Aryan youth picture maybe
tiny TV haver
thats not my tv
and arpi's not fat,
we get it.
and galt's ex fucked some dude while she was buying a house with him.
Galt pushed some cunt into the path of a speeding bus.
my computer monitor is bigger than my tv
Mad Wrote:Galt pushed some cunt into the path of a speeding bus.

It was a delivery truck, and nice memory.
one time i put a tack on some girls seat in 2nd grade and i almost got kicked out of school
One time in like 3 rd grade I showed my pee pee to a girl in class, my teacher then told my mom whose first question was "did he show it to a girl!!!!" and when the teacher said yes, my mom was relieved, she even bought me a mr. softee.
i still have that laptop somewhere