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I've looked at my team....and I never agreed on a trade, did I? You asked me for one I remember, but I turned it down.....IM me or something...I'm confused.
Oh, no my dear. Not you. I wouldnt' besmirch your good name like that. I was talking about that sack of cocks trade-welcher Sean
Oh okay...I got all worried that I messed up my team or something! Be more specific! {:p}
Quote:Oh, no my dear. Not you. I wouldnt' besmirch your good name like that. I was talking about that sack of cocks trade-welcher Sean

wait a minute, ummm, thats supposed to convince me how? :firebounce:
Sir Okonwo haxored my account and posted that.
I did no such thing.

:poopain: <---I like this one
I have never lied. Why would I start now?

i got beat by a girl......again.
I'm sure you had a motive. I just don't know what it is. Of course, being a first place fantasy baseball owner, I have no time for such trivial nonsense.

Now, can someone explain to me why I keep benching Pena?:crackhead:
:complain: :fart: :tribe: Confusedmokey: these are fun :hail:

oh, and i'd kinda gotten used to the page loading so it doesn't really bother me that much :firebounce:
The new buttons are pretty, but they don't match the color scheme of the page...Martha Stewart would not be pleased. :poke:
Jesus, you picky twat, I can't do everything at once, plus, keyser is doing the buttons, so, blah!:fu:
:fart: take that! If Keyser can do the buttons, can I be the color scheme coordinator? :hail:
I'll be working on the buttons more tomorrow. What do you think of the new logo?
Wow! The board looks grrrrrreat! Nice work guys. :thumbs-up:
Nice work folks. Looks nice and spiffy around here. For one that is not easily impressed, I'm impressed! :hail: :hail:

he he, I like this one.
the board has changed?
looks great!
this is my favorite :poke:
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