Full Version: Soul calibur 2? - Any clue as to when?
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Of all the fighting games out there, Soul Calibur was my favorite of all-time. Now I see SC2 is coming out for the PS2, but I can't find any info as to excatly when the release date is.

Have any of you heard any info on this game and when it's due out?
The day after you get over yourself? :roflmao: :bouncer: :roflmao:
Then that means it must be out already since I've never had an ego like you seem to believe.

Me thinks someone is still a little sore over being made to look like a bitch on another board. {:p}
Let's see...

I was banned for a stupid reason. Which, I agree was bound to happen anyway, but was still stupid.

Then, after I was banned, I put your beloved leader in a position where he had to delete my account (which he hates to do).

So, where's the part where I look like a bitch? And even IF it was true... I still wouldn't give a shit.

Just because you're enough of a sheep that you are still at that suckass board, and a mod no less, don't come here trying to pull shit. You're out of your league here son. Back in the kiddie pool with you.