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i seriously never understood why everyone blamed buckner either.

that out doesnt mean a boston victory, only uneducated sports fools believe that.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Galt Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:why are yankee fans so bitter?

Biggest choke in professional sports history

1986 red sox

I dunno, a friend of mine tried to make that argument too but considering the Yankees had so many chances to put the Sox away & couldn't, only to have them take it all seems like the bigger choke to me - and I'm a diehard Yankee fan.

I do notice that there is a lot less hype coming out of the Mets camp this season, I guess after last year they don't want to look silly again.

yeah but im a bitter yankee fan, thats my job is to hate on the sox.

no wonder you love donnie fuckface, you have no clue what a real yankee fan is.

fuck that, I'm a real fan that knows when they suck & I can admit it. They had plenty of chances to finsih off the Sox and end up getting beat in the WS but they didn't - hence the greatest choke ever. Add in the stats of the underperformers & it's pretty fucking clear.
goat is at least a reasonable yankee fan. gonzo is one of those mooks that started following the yankees when they started winning rings in the late 90s. he wouldnt know alvaro espinosa if he walked up, bent him over and space docked him.
I try to be, I know theres a shitload of assholes that call mike & the mad dog on a daily basis and talk like the Yankees can never do any wrong, I've even met them at games & bars and I try not to laugh. There's also a similar contingent on the Mets side too, as well as Boston. Ideally, it would rule to have them brawl thunderdome-style or something, maybe make a PPV out of it.

Quote:gonzo is one of those mooks that started following the yankees when they started winning rings in the late 90s

those guys are the best - to them the 80's never existed!
im not fooling myself into thinking the mets are anything but an 83 win team looking to finally try and unseat the braves. lets start with that as a goal and work our way from there. i think they have some potential, a little weak after the top 2 starters and a big question about pedro's health. if they can pick up zito around june they will be in pretty good shape.
yeah I jumped on in 96, late 96 actually... pretty much in october... actually right when Charlie Hayes caught that foul ball to end the game.

I went out and bought my first yankee hat, the next day.
off topic, but I just remembered that time you were over my house, mightve been the first time actually, and we were watchin' YES and Arod was on Ceneterstage. We watched and I said to you "he's saying all the right things, especially about the history of the Yankees, Steinbrenner, I bet he's gonna be on the team in the next few years or so" and then BAM!!

Good times!
I still wish we never got him but yes I do recall it now that you mention it.

I should come over and you should then start talking about how much the yankees need to get rid of donnie, maybe BAM it will happen.
The mets will be a 90+ win team and better than the Braves.

The Mets didn't have one thing go right for them last year.
jae seo's performance went in there favor, but they didn't even use him correctly until like half way into the season
The mets should dress up strawberry in a uniform and put him on the bench, at least he brings luck to a team.... just not himself.
my buddy met straw today down in port st lucie.

i think the mets lost a bunch of games due to looper imploding and then the mets fell apart around the end of august, beginning of september....just before beltran and cameron collided and then they closed the season out strong. if you look at their expected wins, they should have won an extra 6-7 games, which puts them in the wild card, so they did catch some bad luck but thats part of baseball.
pedros bionic shoe is the key to victory
just remove the toe, ala ronnie lott. problem solved.
straw is by far one of my most beloved players.
he is my favorite met of all time. mike and the mad dog had him on recently and i almost broke down in tears listening to them gush over him and what he meant to the city before it all went wrong. sonny in bronx tale is right, the saddest thing in life is wasted talent.
Most people who dont remember, really have no clue how much potential him and gooden had. I don't feel for him though, Griffey I feel for because his injuries are out of his control.
Anyone who almost breaks down in tears while listening to Mike & the Mad Dog is not a person
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