Full Version: I award The Badge of Shame to...
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Pages: 1 2
is your tounge bleeding?
GonzoStyle Wrote:hedcold is a perfect co-host, he's a straight man he's not supposed to be the funny one, plus this whole podcast thing was his idea.

Sounds like a pussy to me. I'd take a wrench to your big fat head if you talked to me like that!
Charles Manson Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:hedcold is a perfect co-host, he's a straight man he's not supposed to be the funny one, plus this whole podcast thing was his idea.

Sounds like a pussy to me. I'd take a wrench to your big fat head if you talked to me like that!

While you'd try to lift that wrench with your heroin chic noodle arms, i'd have a sharp object in your throat, don't threaten me junior.
Pages: 1 2