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just show up!
Goatweed Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i hope they pull you out of your car and club you to death

I'd much rather see you try & do it, only to have a stroke from the exertion.

it would be worth it to see you bleeding in the street
get a good look then, strokes can't be good for memory retention.
you kidding...he will light the whole area beautifully.
We need some new members to fight with.

You guys are phoning it in at this point.
you're right, stroke jokes are too easy.
gooches lighting joke made me chuckle.
Keyser Soze Wrote:gooches lighting joke made me chuckle.

no surprise since you are simple minded

Goatweed Wrote:you're right, stroke jokes are too easy.

they are the best a turd eater such as yourself will ever come up with.
goat and arpi in a fight, that's a toughie but i'd have to go with goat since he's a scumbag. Goat is more likely to grab a bottle and smash it across arpi's head, or gouge him in the eye, some scumfuck move like that.
Gonzo will come and he'll bring his "blade" and, little do you know, he has a fork in the other pocket.
simple minds, simple pleasures!
based on what I've heard from people who met him, I'm pretty sure I'd snap him like a twig.
Hey, guys... this is getting serious!

push his fookin head into the fookin monitor!
He has a long reach with a good jab he might be able to hold his own.
he has a vicious squad of stagehands that will do his bidding. you don't understand the gravity of who you are fucking with here, goatweed. all he has to do is snap his fingers and its lights out for goatboy.
It's curtains for you!

Exit stage left while you still can!

You don't want to break a leg now.
If it came down to outside interference, I would have goats back.

fuckin stagehands.
Those union guys can play hardball.
I'm from brooklyn, fuck them!
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