Full Version: Muppet personality test... guess what I scored, GUESS!!
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Hawt Baux Wrote:Hawt Baux Soze.

Mrs. Baux-Soze.

Mrs. Keyser Soze-Baux.


Oh man, the real names are sooo much better.

You would definitely Jersey Italian. Start perming it up now
eyyyyyyyyy get back in the fooookin kitchen!!!!
So this transition would make me full blown ethnic, as opposed to partially ethnic?
Maria DeGuido.
Sounds like back drop for Hysterical Blindness.
Maria!!! Did you get hair all over the plastic-covered couch again?
GonzoStyle Wrote:Maria DeGuido.

I expect you and only you to buy the finest wooden spoons off of our registry.
<img src="">
Ew, no.
more like marisa tomei in my cousin keyser
You will, sweet cheeks.

All of a sudden, you'll want to wear leggings. It's going to happen. Just accept it and move on.
<b>You Are Animal</b>

<center><img src="" height="100" width="100"></center>

A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!"

<div align="center"><a href="">The Muppet Personality Test</a></div>
you smell like one too
He doesn't but it was too perfect
some animals smell good so hah
Yeah, the neutered ones.
so either he smells bad or he is a neutered animal. some choice! HA!
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