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The lead singer from Kristen and the Noise is actually attractive (PS. I think her name is Kristin)
She's cute but the band sucks.

I hope they fail and she winds up becoming a crackwhore
you are so hot when you get like this!
At least that slit will be good for something.
i hope she becomes uber famous and winds up in playboy in 20 years like tiffany.
By the way, I thought it was Avril this whole time.
makes sense since not only does it not look a thing like avril, but both of the file names say haylie.
oooooh! burn!
I doubt that it was bugging him so much that he just had to right click-properties in order to see if the filename gave a hint as to just who that mystery muse is
obviously it was driving him insane. galt needs to just chill out!
i bet it was causing him to lose sleep
stop playing the victim!
Keyser Soze Wrote:waaaaaaaaaaa
mike and the mad dog replay?
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:makes sense since not only does it not look a thing like avril, but both of the file names say haylie.

hence why I never asked :wink:
geez calm down goat. no need to freak out
hey man, lets slow down ok? i'm not looking for a fuckin wife!
holy shit, SORRY!!!!!!!!
stop playing the victim!!!
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