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Assuming nobody else joins in the next 19 hours, I see there being only 2 options:

1. Kill the league, and anyone that wants to play and actually remembered that they even joined this league, join the roto league I started, where there are still 7 spots left.

2. Change this league to roto so there can be an odd # of teams in it. If this is done, there should be several more roster positions added (Ut/CI/MI) to make a 9-team league at least a little bit less gay.
"invest $20".....what a cheap fuck...i'm not sure if im gonna make the draft but i threw $20 in anyway.
you might have enough people for a game of darts
fucking losers
haha u r so pissed
honestly, the only part of fantasy sports i like is the draft so i just don't want to participate in a league where i can't draft. tough.
its 20 bucks to keep the league together you selfish prick
yes, the good of cdih fantasy baseball is such a worthy cause
its like i dont even know you anymore
both of bloody anus's suggestions are viable. as is moving the draft if you can
or you can invite jenna jameson's pool boy to fill the spot
does this weds at 7pm work for everyone?
probably not, but it's ok with me
this baseball league seems to be working out as good as a board get-together.

no wonder we are all doomed.

oh yeah.... weds works for me.

tomorrow worked great too till reading just now. sigh
And option #3 would be to change the draft to one of the few times next week that I can't make it.

What other times are available?
i have a large test on wed night is very bad for me. i'm not going to threaten to quit, but i would prefer a different time (i have a test tuesday, too, so monday night is just as bad)
i opened up one of them netteller accounts and i used the instacash option, which i thought stood for instant cash, but it says the deposit is uncleared and i can't make the transfer just yet. hopefully, i will be able to during the week.

i'll be missing the draft also if it is today.
i won't be able to make it wednesday, i have a headache
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