Full Version: further proof that arpi is an awful creature
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ZippyAidsFace (11:29:13 PM): hey brah hows DA BAG!
kldafrlka (11:29:23 PM): lol
ZippyAidsFace (11:29:30 PM): are you an admin yet?
kldafrlka (11:29:47 PM): as if
ZippyAidsFace (11:29:49 PM): but seriously, how has your brain not turned into mush yet?
kldafrlka (11:30:08 PM): I don't visit much, and I barely pay attention when I do
kldafrlka (11:30:25 PM): why? what have you heard?
ZippyAidsFace (11:30:28 PM): I dunno, I heard you're a model wackbagger over there.
ZippyAidsFace (11:30:39 PM): and they got you tamed like a little whore
ZippyAidsFace (11:31:00 PM): gone are the days of the great k1d, the rabble rouser and idealist
ZippyAidsFace (11:31:04 PM): and you have conformed
ZippyAidsFace (11:31:08 PM): say it aint so!
kldafrlka (11:31:36 PM): stingray's hardly as fun to antagonize as froy
ZippyAidsFace (11:31:54 PM): so why did you leave cdih?
kldafrlka (11:32:13 PM): boring
ZippyAidsFace (11:32:13 PM): its because of arpi, isnt it?
kldafrlka (11:32:16 PM): clique-ish
ZippyAidsFace (11:32:38 PM): what the fuck does that even mean?
ZippyAidsFace (11:32:53 PM): is it like quiche?
kldafrlka (11:33:06 PM): to me, the board seemed like it was centered around the activities of a very few select people
kldafrlka (11:33:12 PM): no real unifying point
ZippyAidsFace (11:33:21 PM): so you left cause of arpi is what you are saying
kldafrlka (11:33:43 PM): if that's how you choose to see it, then sure
ZippyAidsFace (11:33:49 PM): so thats a yes
ZippyAidsFace (11:33:52 PM): got it
kldafrlka (11:33:59 PM): yes. arpi ran me off of cdih
ZippyAidsFace (11:34:04 PM): ok talk to you in another 3 years
ZippyAidsFace (11:34:10 PM): take care nig
kldafrlka (11:34:14 PM): awesomne
You shaould have invited his mom over for a threesome.
these are better than the uncensored interviews!!!
i am a fucking dragon slayer!
wackbag gives him the illusion of importance, and even there most rag on him, just ineptly.
afrika is my bitch
I wonder if Gonzo will be giving us further proof of the existence of gravity next.
What Kid lacked here as a poster was his ability to be humorous and thought provoking in addition to his controversiality. In the end, that's all he had so he never received the appreciation from other posters he needed to validate himself. The posters that remain can only be considered a clique in that we bring all three to the table and pat each other on the back for it. If you suck, you suck and we tell you so. I like Kid, but let's face it, he brings very little to the table.
I blame his black half.
he was found lacking, so sent him packing!
walt whitman has nothing on you.
i would run that whitman bitch off the board in seconds.
This is the arpi I have been waiting for, I knew he just needed a small reminder to spark his old self.
back off or you are next!!
See? Humorous, thought provoking, and controversial.
i lack all 3, but i keep on truckin!
Only a matter of time before you're on another board bitching about how cliquish we are.
I never had quiche, I heard its scrumptrulecent
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