Full Version: natalie portman on snl
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yeah but thats like nitpicking as to why in episode 3 when anakin takes down the shields on grevious's ship, why the shield control panel is on the OUTSIDE of the ship and not protected!!!

suspension of belief is a neccesity when watching the films
Yeah, thats another thing. If it was that easy to take down a flag ship, that whole battle woulda been 15 minutes tops.

For some reason that belly shirt thing just irritates the fuck outta me.
I was too busy marveling at how perfect her ass was in those pants, just perfection.

It must be covered in God Dust, as jon stewart said at the oscars.
also the astonishment of vader in episode 5 when the kid named skywalker who was with kenobi, is his son.
That video was horrible. There is nothing funny about it.


She was hottest in the Professional.

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