Full Version: Clerks II Teaser Trailer
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i split a wishbone with someone last night and wished for a plane to crash into your house while you were sleeping
what does all this goat hate stem from?
he is a shitbag. thats why.
No no. He died in the original ending. They changed it because it was too depressing or something. Wasted Life Wasted Death...

This movie is going to suck:

Ben Affleck without Matt Damon. I rest my case.
yea it was the original ending but it wasn't in the movie, hence it was an alternate ending
sloatsburgh...YOUVE BEEN SACK'D
i saw rosario dawson at a concert and she was really hot
who does arpi hate more? me or goatweed?
Arpikarhu Wrote:i split a wishbone with someone last night and wished for a plane to crash into your house while you were sleeping

it's a shame you didn't choke on that wishbone - then again it's never too late to try, is it?
why do you sink to his level?
boredom, mostly
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