Full Version: Copyrighting free speech? - Or, how to silence your critics.
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Pages: 1 2
Here is the Anti-Scientology site in question. Now if you thought your favorite religon was bad well guess again. Scientology is evil. L. Ron Hubbard was a shitheaded jackass that caused his children to hate him.
Hey ahlexus,

Click Me

Edited By Kid Afrika on April 08 2002 at 5:16
No way! It goes somewhere. :lol: I figured she was gonna have to come back in a minute and offer to fix your broken link.
Lest anyone think I checked the link before I posted it, you are incorrect. I posted the link under the assumption that it was totally farsical. The fact that it goes somewhere, that's a BONUS!!!

Yea ME!!!11 :bouncer:
oooooh, I wonder if they have official parties.
Who knew Kid A was a porn webmaster?
Hey Kid, just for you.
You get an E for Effort.

and an NT for Nice Try.
Are we playing Hang Man again?
Pages: 1 2