Full Version: Design a CDIH sticker!
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As I will be heading out on my European vacation in exactly a month's time, I intend to stay true to my word and slap some CDIH stickers where I deem it acceptable around Amsterdam and Paris. Your task is to design the sticker itself and then we can all vote on the best design. You must include the site's full address "" or "". Any other creative additions, be it an image, slogan, or member quote, is entirely up to you. You have until next Friday, Mar 17 to post all entries here.
I am going to hide the coolest things for you in Amsterdam!
if you hide it was well as you did with your dignity, he'll never find it.
that makes no sense.
yes he has no dignity to hide
makes perfect sense, you undignified person.
And what evidence can you cite which shows I have no dignity? Are you sure you used the proper word?
when did you all of a sudden become Mr. CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!
he invented "cite your sources" . really
Ok i got it covered, allegedly you are undignified galt
laz is having another of his seizures.
guy had one on the customer care floor today.
Game on.
although it should have a tiny" -arpi" after the line.

regardless, i want one of those stickers!
we should do a whole line of them just like that but with quotes from each of us.


Well, I guess I can pass on the contest idea and just do that then. I was planning on printing them from home anyway.
they are brilliant. they also show your love for me that i was in your thoughts when you had a creative flash!
Here's the template if anyone else wants to chip in with this theme.
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