Full Version: CDIH Podcast: Episode 6 - Return of the Douche
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cause no one else listened
keyser said he did!
I guess that cloak has fallen and we now know that not only if he is a fool but he's a lying fool!
what a cocksucker he is!
almost as big as you but not as big as donnie fuckball
i fucking listened!!!
Actually i think keyser is our biggest fan
GonzoStyle Wrote:almost as big as you but not as big as donnie fuckball

seriously, let it go.

And Keyser, it didnt play to the left side for you? I thought it was my headphones but when I tried a different track it sounded fine, same with my PC.
I will dedicate an entire segment to my love of don mattingly next podcast.
please, dont. Stick to 'basically'.
i didnt notice what speaker it came out of, i listened to it on my laptop
Goatweed Wrote:please, dont. Stick to 'basically'.

basically donnie fuckstick is a homo

by: gonzostyle
i particularly enjoyed the sleeper's phoner. he should be on more often.
The Sleeper Wrote:i particularly enjoyed the sleeper's phoner. he should be on more often.

Once you figure out that you dont need a program to call someones cell
well, i have figured that out
now get a mic
You guys are definitely getting better at presenting a topic for an audience instead of just randomly shooting the shit. Good show.

And the word Gonzo was looking for was formulaic.
lose hedcold, add danked
It's HedCold's gig, not mine.

Although I'll be a guest eventually.
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