Full Version: Ozzy and gw - Could it be...
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fox news has reported that the president has invited ozzy to the white house, as the osbournes is the #1 new show on cable television.
i would love to see that on the osbournes!!
I read that too, ugh. Bush is the type of guy to have said Suicide Solution caused that kid cause suicide and now that he has a hit show, he's invited to the White House.
actually Tipper Gore is more that type
maybe Ozzy can get Dubya to snort a line of ANts?:fuggin:
Ikea, while the whole "suicide solution" debacle was going on, Dubya was drinking Vanilla extract because he could get drunk off it. I don't think at the time he was too concerned about music.
Quote:Dubya was drinking Vanilla extract because he could get drunk off it.
And the important thing is that you can